Cotega Security Overview
At Cotega, we take security seriously. For this reason, we have implemented numerous security mechanism to protect your personal information. Below, are some details on how this has been accomplished.
Security User Credentials
All user credentials are stored AES encryption. Even though your credentials are encrypted during storage, it is always best practice to avoid providing a System Admin (sa) account and use a "least privildged" user account to Cotega that limits access to only those objects that are being monitored or executed.
Minimum SQL Priviledge Levels
Please visit this page for more information on the minimum priviledge levels that Cotega requires.
SSL Encryption
Cotega has implemented SSL (https), the same encryption used by banks to encrypt communication.
Your Data
Cotega does not query your base tables and we will never look at or store any data from your database other than what you seen in your charts and logs.